How to Get Health Insurance After Graduating From College

Searching for a health insurance when you are unemployed can be a tough ask. However, doing the former is a mandatory procedure for all those young adults who want to maintain a healthy life. Take necessary help and you will find some ways to cover your medical bills.


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    Continue with your school health insurance

    Most graduates will seek help by pursuing the school health insurance until they find a suitable job. However, you may need to check with the admin or school health officer, if they are offering any extensions.

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    Guardian/ Parents’ coverage

    Most college graduates are eligible to be covered under the health policy taken by their parents or guardians up to the age of 26. It eases burden on the young adults even though they find a job. However, the early pay scale may not be enough to pay for premiums so it is better to be covered under dependents until you find a better employment opportunity. However, don’t bank on your parents completely as some policies have shorter time spans which cater to young adults.

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    Comparing different health policies

    In case the above two options don’t work out, the student will eventually need to find some way to pay for his health insurance. It is important to search for the right option. Compare the policies on offer and decide which suits your need. Compare the deductibles and the coverage. The former is the amount which needs to be paid from the pocket before the insurance company decides to provide the rest. At first, you will need to opt for a coverage which has lower premium, and higher deductibles. There is a small chance that you will need medical help if you keep a healthy routine.

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    Short term packages

    Seek small term solutions at the beginning. Many policies will only kick in when you have suffered a serious injury. The premiums will be low and you will be in a better position to meet the coverage on a regular basis.

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    Find a part-time job

    If you are having trouble finding a job of your interest, don’t sit idle and try to earn some money, even if it means working part time. Having some personal income will allow you to save some money, which can be utilized to pay off your premium.  Make sure to be honest with the insurer as any misinterpretation will result in a bad history and possibly rejection.

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