How to Get Jersey Tourist Visit Visa from London

Jersey is a crown dependency of Britain but not a part of the United Kingdom. It is located in the English Channel in the northwest of France and is the largest among the Channel Islands. Tourists from UK reach Jersey every year to roam about on the beach, take part in water sports, relax in the spas and do lots of shopping and sightseeing.

The castles and museums of Jersey usually attract the interest of British tourists and history buffs. The grand Corbiere Lighthouse, The Durrell Wildlife Park and the astounding War Tunnels leave an indelible print in the minds of tourists. Being a crown dependency Jersey has a separate parliament but depends on UK for defence and Foreign affairs.

Since Jersey is a Crown dependency of Britain, it does not have an Embassy in London or in other parts of Britain.


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    Visiting Government of Jersey

    British Nationals

    British nationals do not require a visa to enter Jersey. Just a photographic ID is required for security reasons.

    Other nationals

    All other nationals if they are lawfully in UK can travel to Jersey without a separate visa.

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    Checklist of things to take along

    You should take following things to Jersey:

    a) A valid credit card or cash

    b) All necessary documents

    c) Complete information about your accommodation

    d) Maps of different areas

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    Things allowed for tourists

    a) You can bring 200 cigarettes or 100 cigarillos or 50 cigars or 350 grams of tobacco

    b) 1 litre of refined beverages or four litres of sparkling or fortified wines and four litres of other wines or spirits.

    c) 60 cc/ml perfume

    d) 250 cc/ml eau de toilette

    e) Only £340 worth of other commodities

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