How to Get Liquor License for a Restaurant in London

For every restaurant that serves liquor, license is a must to. Different government agencies control the process in different regions of the world. So if you are planning to serve liquor in your restaurant located in London, you must first get a licence in order to start a bar. The cost of the liquor licence depends on the category for which you are applying as it differs greatly. Apart from the application fee of the liquor license, applicant also has to pay the taxes.

Usually liquor licences are valid for one year and at the end of the term you can apply for renewal after paying a small annual fee. However, if the local agencies found some complaints against you during your first term for instance over serving alcoholic drinks to customers or served to the minors, or infringed other provisions of the liquor license, then in that case local body will have the authority to your cancel your liquor license.

When a restaurant is mentioned as fully licenced, it means that it have a premises license. This means that it permits restaurant only on-sales (alcohol can only be served with a meal).

Below are the steps to get a liquor license for a restaurant in London. Procedure to get a license by these three methods is as under:


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    District or borough councils are the licencing authorities in two-tier parts of England. While, in other areas the unitary authority allocate licence. Therefore, in order to get a liquor licence in London first you need to find the local authority that allocates such licence.

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    For London this licencing authority lies with The Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames. They have an on-line service through which you can apply for a liquor licence.

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    To apply for a liquor licence on-line visit Royal Kingston's website (

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    First step to apply on-line is to select the relevant licence application.

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    Then, download your relevant licence application form in Microsoft Word format.

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    Fill in all required information in the form, or you can also take a print out and fill it with black ink.

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    After completing the form you can either mail them at, or you can  fax at +44 20 8547 5515.

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    Once you have successfully submitted your application for liquor licence then it will be checked by an officer.

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    If your application is error free then, after thorough checking you be will sent a link. This link will lead you to the local authorities online payment system, where you can pay the due fee.

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    Subsequently to that your application will be put into process and local authority will notify you about their decision through email.

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    For information visit Royal Kingston information office (view map) located at Guildhall 2, High Street, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 1EU, United Kingdom. This information office remains open from 8:30 am till 5:00 pm Monday to Friday.

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    The second way to get a liquor license is to purchase it from an existing restaurant.

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    However, this will cost you in thousands of pounds. Moreover, in this scenario you will also require the services of a solicitor, who will help you with the legal issues involve in this matter. Below is the list of some well renowned solicitors in London.

    (a) Courtyard Solicitors LLP
    (b) Adam Solicitors
    (c) Saigon Eagle Off Licence Ltd

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