How to Get More RSS Subscribers through Feedburner

If you have a blog, you can generate more growth in RSS subscribers through Feedburner application. It is to install and set up, although you will need to understand basic tricks of setting up the feed to attract more subscribers. You can search online to understand fundamentals of feedburner’s working. You may also seek an advice from a SEO expert how to drive more benefits from Feedburner application for a boost in subscribers’ growth. You can set it yourself by knowing some basic skills about use of the Feedburner application, if you are using it for the first time.


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    BrowserFriendly Feed Page

    If you set up the feedburner page browser friendly, you can attract more people, as this will make your page simpler and beautiful. By providing readers a simplified feeding system, instead of complicated XML page, you can make more people subscribe your page.

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    Smart Feed Option

    You can format your feedburner to be more simple. By using the smartfeed option you can make your RSS feed format (Atom or RSS) user friendly, as it automatically translates into the requirement of the potential reader and thus you can convert them to potential subscribers of your page.

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    Email Option

    It is better to give people an email subscription option along with RSS feed, as all people might not feel comfortable in RSS subscription directly. This way you can prevent loss of potential subscribers, who can go away for their inability to communicate with RSS feed reader.

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    FeedFlare Option

    FeedFlare can generate a considerable number of votes through social networking sites such as Facebook, which can potentially translate into your subscribers.

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    PingShot Option

    Pingshot option helps you leverage strength of search engines like Technorati, they can divert a considerable amount of traffic to your page. It is entire up to you how you set up the option, you can attract a subscriber whenever they use the search engine.

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    NoIndex Option

    Setting NoIndex option can work both ways for your website. It can get your page indexed along with the search engines and can attract the same level of users as the search engine does. On the other hand, it will help your website in its promotion through the search engine, automatically. Although it may not sound a workable option in the beginning, it can generate a lot of interest for your website.

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