How to Get more Traffic on your Blog

Given how easy it is to setup your own blog these days, any individual with a flair for writing or passion for something can start sharing his/her thoughts with the world. However, there is a lot of potential to monetize your content as well, provided you have the hits and traffic to back it. In simple words, the value of your blog or website is not only on the basis of your content, but also depends on the following it garners. The more people visit your website, the better chances you will have to make sales (if you are selling something) or getting ads that pay well.
Unfortunately though, increasing the traffic on your website is not that simple. Even giants like Facebook and Twitter have had to employ several strategies to get where they are today. However, in this article you will learn a simple technique to increase your traffic without spending any money.
First of all, you have to create an e-book. The prospect may appear daunting, but in reality, it is quite simple. All you need to do is create an index of the most valuable content on your blog, putting it all in a sequential order. For instance, if you are writing on SEO, your blog must have all sorts of posts, ranging from explaining the basics to dealing with the more technical and advanced aspects. Create a list of all these posts and copy their links.
Now you need to start writing your e-book, which doesn’t need to have hundreds of pages. It is going to be a free e-book, and you only have to put down a summary of each topic you put in the table of contents. The sequential index of articles you created earlier will help you here and your table of contents will be made accordingly.
Start writing summarized content for each topic. Since you already have details in your blog posts, this should not be very hard. If you quickly go through your own posts, it will be easier for you to write the summaries. The point of these summaries is to give some context to your readers who will then click the links you will provide with each summary to go to the full blog posts.
Now put all the relevant blog post links under these summaries. Your summary should be such that the reader feels the need to read more and consequently clicks on the link, this way you will get free direct traffic.
Once the e-book is created, you will need to put it up online on a digital goods selling platform. You should consider, which is the easiest for your purposes. Simply sign up with the website and you will have to option to ‘sell product’. There are no hidden fees or sign up costs and the whole process is free of charge. Once you create a billboard, you can write a small description about your e-book and how it can benefit your readers.
You will then have to select the price for the e-book. Since you are using it as promotional tool, you should choose to sell it for free. This whole process will only take a few minutes, after which all you have to do is share the billboard on your social networks and start seeing your blog’s traffic go up.