How to Get Out of a Headlock

If you are someone who does not commonly back down from a fight, then you surely need to have a wide variety of fighting skills in your arsenal. While your ability to punch really hard and land a solid kick will play a significant role in determining the fate of your fights, you would not be able to walk away safe and sound from too many fights unless you work on honing your defensive skills.
One of the most important self-defence skills that you simply must learn is to get out of a headlock, a popular and dangerous grapple that has the potential to seal the fate of the fight in your attacker’s favour.
Once you find yourself caught in a headlock, do not start panicking. Remain calm and think about what you must do to break your attacker’s hold. Panicking will only make you lose focus and increase the chances of you actually sustaining heavy damage.
Strike your attacker’s face with the arm that is closer to him.her, i.e. your inside arm. Try to aim for their nose if possible. There is a strong chance of you missing the target, as you will not be able to see where you are actually striking. However, you must still give it a shot. If your strike connects with your attacker’s nose, he/she will experience a lot of pain and may even be forced to loosen their grip around your neck.
The moment you feel the attacker's grip loosening around your neck, capitalise on the opportunity by using the same arm to strike him/her on the face once again, this time with even more force if possible. If the attacker means serious harm, then try to stick your fingers in his/her eyes. You might accidently end up stuffing your fingers your attacker’s nose, as you will not have a proper vision. Exploit that move and try to cause as much damage as possible.
In case your attacker is still managing to keep you trapped in a headlock, throw your body weight away from them. While you do this, try to hook your arm around his/her legs to make them lose their balance.
Once you have moved your body as far away from your attacker as possible while still caught in a headlock, quickly push your entire body weight towards him/her. Throwing yourself against them is bound to knock them off balance and finally make them unlock their arm around your neck.