How to Get Over Fear of Rejection

One of the biggest injustices that a person can do to themselves is to let others gain control of their emotions. One of these emotions is fear, something that can strip a person of their self-respect and bring them to their knees.

Every person has many fears, some of which continue to live with them forever, while others disappear after some time. One fear that can continue to affect a person until their dying breath unless they fight back is the fear of rejection. It is based on a person’s lack of self-belief and their willingness to let others decide what they are worth. This can make them extremely uncomfortable while meeting and interacting with new people, as they are constantly worrying about what others are thinking about them.

If you have a fear of rejection, then you should get over it. Fortunately, there are some pretty simple ways in which you can curb this fear for good.


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    Since the fear of rejection is based on lack of self-belief, the first thing that you need to do is to start working on developing confidence in your abilities and capabilities. You need to realise that like any other person, you are capable of accomplishing anything, whether big or small. You must become aware of your worth and consequently start valuing yourself. Once you start doing that, it will hardly matter to you what others think or feel about you.

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    Instead of focusing on your external qualities alone, recognise your inner qualities as well. These include honesty, integrity, empathy, kindness, generosity, etc. By becoming aware of these qualities and understanding what they are worth, you will start respecting yourself more, which will consequently reduce the fear of rejection.

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    Understand that getting rejection is not necessarily a bad thing. Acceptance and rejection are a part of life, with every person experiencing both at some point. Learn to look at rejection as constructive criticism instead of losing your confidence because of it. You may have some flaw in your personality or behaviour. You may become aware of this only after you have gotten rejected.

  • 4

    Learn to handle rejection. Instead of getting depressed, feeling insecure and sinking in self-pity, make yourself strong enough to deal with the idea that someone is not too willing to put their faith in you or interact with you.

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