How to Get Pippi Longstocking Braids

Pippi Longstocking Braids are a very popular Halloween costume and is young children are very fond of the look. Many people think that the look is very difficult to get and that it would take a lot of time, but the reality is that it only takes 15-20 minutes to get into the character.

The look involves colourful mismatched clothes with odd socks. However, the most attractive thing about the look is the Pippi Longstocking Braids that are made with the help of a wire on which hair is braided. The wire can be hidden with the help of bobby pins and there are many different ways in which the wire can be set to give you a unique look for a certain fancy dress party.

Things required:

– Hairbrush
– Hair bands
– Bobby pins
– Ribbons
– Wire
– Wire cutter


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    Wash your hair

    It is important that you wash your hair thoroughly before you wear the braids. Clean hair will make the process easier as the brush will run smoothly through the hair

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    Make two piggy tails on either side

    Comb the hair and make two piggy tails on either side and tie them with the help of bobby pins. Make sure that the piggy tails are of equal lengths by looking in the mirror

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    Measure and cut a wire of the length of your piggy tails

    Place a wire on the crown of your head and make sure its length is as long as the length of piggy tails on each side. Cut the extra wire with the help of a wire cutter and remove bobby pins to open your hair

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    Wrap the wire with your hair in the form of a braid

    Form a braid of sorts on each side and make sure you also include the wire in the braid on both sides. The braiding should be tight so that it does not open later on. Repeat the same process on the other side and look in the mirror for a perfect look. Make amends wherever you see a problem and set the style you desire

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    Use ribbons for a better look

    When done with the braiding, add ribbons to the pippi braids for a colourful look. Use as many ribbons as you like but the best way would be to cover the ends only

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