How to Get Rid Of a Tan Line

Sunbathe is true fun, however, getting rid of the tan lines developed later is a difficult process. Sunlight is the main source of tan lines on your body and these lines can affect your personality and self-confidence, as different parts of your body will be different in color from each other. The exposed parts of your body to ultra violet rays will be darker in color, as compared to the covered parts of the body. Anyhow, do not panic at all, as there are many effective methods that can help you get rid of a tan line. However, it is important to study the nature of your skin before applying any kind of product.


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    Grab a medium mixing bowl and place one cup of baking soda in it. Pour in half a cup of water and stir until mixed properly. Now, take some cotton balls, dip them into water, and wet the parts of your body that contain tan lines. Take a good quantity of the baking-soda mixture into your fingers and rub it over the tan lines for a few minutes, or until your skin absorbs it thoroughly. Rinse your skin with cold water. All tan lines should now be gone. However, if not, repeat the whole procedure.

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    Aloe Vera and vitamin E are also useful in getting rid of the tan lines. Place some amount of a cream containing Aloe Vera or vitamin E on your finger and gently massage areas of your body that have tan lines on it.

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    Take a fresh lemon and cut it into four equal slices. Apply the inside half of lemon wedges to your tan line for approximately 2 to 3 minutes and wash with cold or mild water.

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    Pick up a mixing bowl and place 1 cup of baking soda in it. Take another small mixing bowl and place 3 tablespoon of sugar before pouring ½ of water, and mixing until the sugar dissolves in it. Top the baking soda with the sugar solution and mix thoroughly. Apply this mixture to the parts of body that contain tan lines.

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    Baby oil is another effective way to get rid of tan lines on your body. Apply baby oil on your body parts that have tan lines, and massage for approximately an hour or until the oil soaks into your body. Now, fill a shower tub with mild water and take a long bath for at least half an hour. Make sure to rub the affected areas of your body with a washcloth in order to make sure all tan lines remove properly.

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