How to Get Rid Of a Wasp Nest

Have you ever been stung by a wasp? If not, then you are among the lucky people, as it is a painful process and can be dangerous as well because the wasp injects its venom into your skin when it stings you. The wasp’s stinger is poisonous and can hurt you in case it remains in your skin. Therefore, protect your family, yourself, and your pets from wasp’s sting by removing its nest within your area, including your home. Removing a wasp nest is undoubtedly a difficult activity.

Things Required:

Protective gear / protecting clothing
Wasp killer
Broom handle / stick


  • 1

    Locate the wasp nest

    First of all, locate the exact position of the wasps' nest. You can find it on a tree, corners of your house and even underground. Move on and try to find the center of the wasps’ activity.

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    Select the right wasp killer

    Now, run to a pharmaceutical store to buy a good quality wasp killer. You can also buy online as there are many online companies with a huge variety of wasp killers. If the wasp nest is not too high, you can buy a simple wasp killer without a projectile. However if the nest is high, then you must buy a projectile wasp killer as it helps you spray 18 to 20 feet high.

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    Cover your body with protective gear

    Once you select a wasp killer, cover your entire body with proper protective gear that is easily available in the market. You can use the especially designed protective gears that are used by honeybee caretakers. However, if you do not have it, then you can also wear thick clothes or full sleeves denim shirt and pant. Cover your hands with gloves and wear a facemask as well. Do not forget to protect your eyes with sunglasses, as they are the most sensitive part of your body.

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    Get your timing right

    It is better to operate against wasps in the evening, or early morning when all of them will be available in their nest, being least active.

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    Spray all over wasp nest

    Guardedly approach the wasp nest and spray the wasp killer all over it. Make sure to spray at least 2 to 3 times for quick results.

  • 6

    Observe the wasp nest repeatedly

    Clear the specific area immediately, wait overnight, and check the nest next morning. If you find any wasp activity around the nest, then go through the whole procedure repeatedly until there is no more wasp around.

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    Knock down the wasp nest

    Once you kill all the wasps, again put your protective clothes on and knock down the nest with the help of a broom handle or a long stick.

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    Dispose the wasp nest

    Put the pieces of the wasp nest into a plastic bag and dispose it off immediately.

  • 9

    Your operation of getting rid of a wasp nest is successfully completed. Enjoy!

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