How to Get Rid Of Age Spots On Face

Age spots, also known as sunspots, lentigines and liver spots, are actually brownish or blackish spots that appear on different parts of the body. Sunlight is among the main sources of age spots. When melanocytes, the bottom layer of skin epidermis, increases its number due to the extra ultraviolet ray of the sun, it simply gives birth to age spots. Since our faces are over-exposed to the sunlight, therefore age spots are very common on them. Although theses discolorations of skin are not dangerous, but they look really nasty on the face. In addition to that, age spots on the face can negatively affect your self-esteem. Now, if you feel that you are dealing with these with unsightly face spots, then do not worry at all.


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    Homemade Remedies

    First of all, try some useful and easy to make homemade remedies that are known for removing age spots on the face. Wash your face with a good quality face wash and wipe it dry with a tissue or soft towel. Now, apply lemon juice, sour milk, horseradish, honey, parsley-fruit juice, sugar-lemon paste, onion slices, buttermilk, turmeric-sesame seeds’ paste, currants-honey paste, or sour cream to your face. Apply any of the above mentioned homemade remedies that suit your skin and are easily available at your home. Wash your face with mild or cold water after 10 to 15 minutes.

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    Apply beauty clinical products

    When you try different homemade remedies but do not succeed, then try quality products of some of well-and reputed companies that are well known for their best quality beauty products. L’Oreal’s “Loreal Dermo-Expertise Age Perfect Skin Illuminator and Age Spot Diffuser” is effective against age spots, and so is Pond’s Clarant B3 cream. Garnier’s Skin Renew Anti-Sun-Damage daily lotion and the sun control daily moisturizer also works against age spots as their essential nutrients reduce their discoloration and appearance. In addition to that, both of the creams contain SPF 28 formula, which protect your skin against pontetial sun damage.

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    Consult a Dermatologist

    Consult a reliable dermatologist of your area if nothing else works. Conduct a detailed meeting with your dermatologist or skin specialist, discussing different skin treatments for age spots like microdsermabrasion, chemical peel, and laser resurfacing etc.

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