How to Get Rid Of Bruises

Bruises on the body are a common occurrence in everyday life. Get rid of the disease is possible, using proven recipes of traditional medicine. In this case, be sure to visit a specialist. Senior doctor examining the skin and will direct you to the necessary treatment.

The question of how to get rid of bruises, perhaps, not only children but also women who wear fashionable dress or a short skirt. To bruises did not prevent the planned arrangements, to respond quickly to an injury, preventing a strong manifestation of the bruise.

Bruising (or bruising) is associated in most cases with a blow or injury, in which the blood vessels burst and the blood colour under the skin changes, causing swelling. Bruising occurs due to narrowing of the torn blood vessels which decreases the flow of the blood in the skin. However, there are several fast and effective methods to get rid of bruises.


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    Bruises - unpleasant phenomenon, regardless of the history of their appearance. If you want to take immediate action against a bruise, you should put ice on the injured spot after wrapping it into a piece of cloth.

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    Ointments, creams, gels (available at pharmacies) can help getting rid of this problem. Preparations for rapid resolution of haematoma: Bruise OFF, Ambulance from bruises, Arnica, Lotion may help on a large scale and beyond any doubt. You can also buy a cream, which is composed of vitamin E.

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    Moisten a cotton ball in vodka and apply it to the affected area. Apply a thick layer of cotton wool and fix plaster or bandage on to it.  However, this method is not recommended after two or three days of the mini surgery.

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    If you have received the bruise while you are outside your home, you can find a cabbage leaf (before that it should be a little bruise) or calendula flowers. Alternative to these plants are leaves of colts-foot, burdock and mullein blossoms. Good results can also be obtained by using raw potatoes. Rub the potato after tearing apart the skin of the vegetable and put it on the bruise. Repeat the process until 5-10 minutes.

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    You can always use warm compress method when the bruise has manifested. The heat activates blood circulation and haematoma quickly dissipates.

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