How to Get Rid of Cystitis

Cystitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the bladder, which appears in women and very rarely in middle-aged men due to an infection. Women are more prone to cystitis than men and more than 60% of them are reportedly suffering from this disease all around the world.
In the event of acute cystitis, the patient suffers pain in the lower abdominal region during urination.
The first symptoms of the disease are frequent urination, cramps, pain, and feeling like the bladder is not completely empty. The disease is divided into primary and secondary cystitis, which can cause serious damage to the body.
To cure cystitis, you need to drink a lot of water. Patients should also refrain from eating spicy, salty and fatty foods.
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To cure cystitis, and reduce the impact of inflammation, patients are encouraged to drink as many warm liquids as possible, including green tea, broth, liquids containing fennel seeds or roots of parsley, and regular tea with milk.
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In order to tone down the symptoms of this disease, it is extremely important to avoid the use of alcohol and soft drinks, as well as juices that contain acid.
Drink plain water, at least 6-8 glasses a day. Avoid harmful drinks, like beer, vodka, carbonated soft drinks, packaged juices, coffee and the excessive consumption of tea. These things can increase the concentration of salts and acids, and can also lead to the development of kidney stones.
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To prevent cystitis, maintain good personal hygiene. Try to wear appropriate underwear, preferably made of natural and not synthetic fabrics. Do not wear tight swimming trunks, skinny jeans and leggings, as these can help create an infection.
Avoid exposing your body to the cold, especially the legs. It greatly weakens the immune system and leads to the disruption of microflora in the direction of pathogenic bacteria. As a result, it affects the body and does not allow it to fully resist pathogens.
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To quickly get rid of cystitis, use herbal medicine, special diets, and thermal procedures. However, do not forget that for the complete elimination of the disease, is better to resort to antibiotic therapy. The inflammation of the urinary bladder is often a disease that can also lead to things like hypothermia and low immunity.
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Cure cystitis without antibiotics by using aromatherapy . This method involves the use of antiseptic essential oils such as chamomile, bergamot, lemon and sandalwood oil.
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Common garlic cloves are an excellent treatment for cystitis.
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