How to Get Rid Of Dog Fleas Naturally Step By Step

How miserable it feels to see your dear pet in constant discomfort and restlessness. Dog fleas are very common and any dog can be infested by them. Dog fleas or ctenocephalides canis are tiny insects that live as a parasite on dogs. They feed themselves by sucking their host’s blood and are capable of reproducing as much as 4000 fleas on the dog’s fur. Infestation from fleas can cause irritation and severe itching to the dog and can also take a chronic form of skin allergy. In such extreme situations one should take his dog to a veterinary center. However you can save your money and time by following the precautionary steps and natural procedures, mentioned in this article, to get rid of dog fleas.


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    Wash your dog’s beddings

    Wash all of your dog’s beddings in hot water to remove fleas from them. Do not leave any clothing, which comes in contact with your dog, unwashed. Sometimes the eggs and larvae of fleas gets stuck with the beddings especially with beddings that have foam inside, and may not go with washing so it’s better to through them and buy another to keep your dog protected from fleas.

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    Give bath to your dog

    Bathing is good for your dog’s itching skin as well as it is very effective for eliminating fleas from his hairs and skin. Start from the neck, apply shampoo thoroughly on your dog and leave him in water for at least 10 minutes. Rinse the shampoo with clean water at the end. It is safe and healthy to give bath twice a week to your dog.

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    Use a flea shampoo

    There are special anti-fleas shampoos which you can use while giving bath to your dog. You can get a flea shampoo from your local market but it’s better to buy the one that have Pyrethrin in it which is very effective and safe to be used on dogs.

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    Use a Flea comb for your dog

    Flea combs are specially designed to remove fleas along with their dirt and eggs. Comb your dog’s hairs with flea comb by starting from head and then lead downwards. Put the fleas you find on a white paper and at the end sink them all in hot water to kill them. Make sure to comb your god’s hairs regularly to avoid fleas.

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    Use flea collars

    Flea collar helps to control flea’s growth and their production. Different collars are made with varying specifications and sometimes can leave dangerous effects on your dog. So make sure to buy a flea collar with complete knowledge and information.

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    Use insect growth regulators

    You can also use insect growth regulators which help to disable flea’s reproduction and allow controlling their further growth.

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    Vacuum dog’s sitting areas

    Your dog may get fleas from your house carpet or floor. So regularly vacuum those areas of your house where your dog usually stays. Vacuum will suck all the fleas and their eggs from floors and carpets.

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    Keep your dog healthy

    Several unhealthy food items can cause skin allergies to your dog and will allow fleas to feed on weak skin and reproduce quicker. Therefore, improve your dog’s diet to ensure proper working of his immune system to help fight against such parasites.

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    Keep your house and yard clean

    Dogs usually love playing around in yards and all over the house. Several insects and fleas are found on ground and plants which can easily make your dog their host. To protect your dog from getting fleas on, keep your house and yard as clean as possible and help him to get rid of fleas.

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