How to Get Rid of Gout

Gout is a disease caused when the body accumulates excessive amount of uric acid and the kidneys struggle to remove it effectively. These uric acid crystals cause inflammation of the surrounding tissues and cause arthritis.

It usually builds up in the joints (often in the joints of the toes and feet) but sometimes in other locations such as ear lobes which causes a lot of pain and inflammation.

Gout has been considered as “disease of kings” because one could sustain it by excessive use of alcohol and fatty foods. The most obvious symptoms of gout include strong pain, swelling, throbbing and burning sensation in the joint of the big toe.

Men are more prone to high levels of uric acid in the body than women. Gout usually occurs in men aged 30 to 50. In women, the symptoms of gout are seen after 50. The traditional methods of treatment also include a series of significant side-effects, so one should have to determine what treatment is right for his/her health.


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    Using NSAID:

    Doctors tell the patients to start using Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID). These medicines are taken in a pill form to relieve inflammation and pain but many of these drugs have side effects and can cause bleeding, pain in the stomach and ulcers.

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    Using Adrenocorticosteroids injections:

    Adrenocorticosteroids, anti-inflammatory hormones, can also be used to get rid of the disease. These hormones are injected into the affected area but it can reduce one’s resistance against viruses and poor healing of open wounds. Therefore, the injection is not recommended for patients experiencing persistent pain., anti-inflammatory hormones, can also be used to get rid of the disease. These hormones are injected into the affected area but it can reduce one’s resistance against viruses and poor healing of open wounds. Therefore, the injection is not recommended for patients experiencing persistent pain.

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    Using bee sting:

    If you are not allergic to bee venom, you can treat gout. It has been reported that just seven bites of bee sting can help you out in getting rid of this unpleasant disease.

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    Using charcoal:

    For acute pain, try to use the following tool. Take a few packages of activated charcoal and grind it to make half a cup of powder. Add a tablespoon of flax seed and some water. Impose the resulting mass on the affected joint.

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    Stop food that develop uric acid

    Another cure is to stop having meals that can develop uric acid in the body. Patients should refrain from eating fried and smoked meat, pate, bacon, liver, kidneys, brains, beef tongue, mushrooms, sardines, sprats, herring, sardines, sardines, fish roe, fish ear, fried fish, beans, peas, tomatoes, spinach, coffee, cocoa, chocolate and beer.

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    Use dairy products:

    It is highly recommended that you should start using dairy products including milk, bread, sugar, honey, vegetables soups, fruits, berries, carrots and cucumbers.

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