How to Get Rid of Veins in Your Legs

Broken or thread veins are small veins present in the legs, face and ankles. They are nearly 2 mm in diameter, show only under the skin and have a reddish blue look. Be aware of the fact that veins show as you age in both men and women. The main cause is heredity but there are other reasons such as obesity, contraceptive pills, pregnancy and extra exposure to sunlight. There are two kinds of veins which are broken and varicose veins. These varicose veins are deep inside the skin and are skin coloured or bluish green. There are many ways to get rid of veins in the legs.

Things Required:

– Vitamin C, E and K
– Makeup
– Compression stockings
– Natural oils and topical creams


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    Getting started

    You can seek medical or holistic treatment. In majority of the cases, symptoms are restricted to an ugly look of these veins. In serious cases, they become massive causing heaviness in the legs, cramping and itching during the night. This can be cured but you need to take precautionary measures to reduce the showing of veins and make sure they do not get worse. You can put on makeup or a concealer that matches your skin tone to hide the veins.

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    Further instructions

    Try to stay in motion and do not stand in the same position for too long, or sit to decrease the pressure on your feet. On the other hand, wear protective stockings with compression if you can. Cut down the consumption of alcohol, caffeine and spicy or junk foods. These things make the condition worse. Quit smoking as it is not good for your health and also contributes to this condition. Exercise on a daily basis and consume a high fiber diet to keep a healthy body weight.

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    Massage and take supplements

    It is good to massage the affected area with natural oils and creams regularly to strengthen the veins. You can buy these from health stores. Consume dietary supplements like Vitamins, C, E and K. This will prevent swelling and poor circulation issues. Do not take birth control pills and avoid wearing tight clothing. Raise your legs around 6 to 12 inches above heart level while sleeping. Talk to a doctor for medical treatment if the problem gets worse. He/she can recommend surgery for your condition.

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