How to Get Stand-Up Comedy Gigs

Working as a stand-up comedian is no doubt one of the most entertaining jobs—both for the performer who does the gig and the audience. However, due to intense competition where hundreds of other comedians are trying to get gigs and make a living from them, it sometimes becomes real hard to find enough work. Despite this, some comedians still manage to find ample work and earn money without having to worry about switching to other income opportunities. Keep in mind that being a stand-up comedian, you will have to face a situation where there is little work out there; however, if you are well prepared and creative enough, you can stay ahead of the competitors all the time.


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    Prepare solid material

    Your material is the backbone of your comedy career. If your work (material) is well prepared and carefully crafted, your audience is definitely going to like you and help you get gigs even when the economy is on the rocks. Preparing a five-minute material should be enough for you as it will run about 3 to 4 pages. Do not overdo as the audiences now prefer short, but more fun-filled gigs. Gone are the days when there used to be long gigs that took a lot of time.

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    Start locally

    Instead of wasting your time begging big social event organizers to get you gigs, you can give local events a try. Check with local rotary clubs, wedding halls, and other places that hold social gatherings. Another way to get you started is to check with local comedy clubs. Local comedy clubs usually hold small comedy shows, and are more willing to hire fresh talent.

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    Get in touch with other comedians

    Expand your network and try to get in touch with as many comedians as you can. Comedy clubs can be a good platform to help you get in touch with other comedians. Talk to popular comedians and ask them to help you improve your act.

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    Do not copy competitors

    Bring something new to the audiences. If you stick to one popular act or style, people will definitely see it and you won't get your own identity. By copying the style of popular comedians, you might pull off good shows for some time, but the audience will soon get fed up and you will earn a reputation as a copycat—not a creative, genuine artist.

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