How to Get the Last Drop from a Box of Wine

Most alcoholics do not stop with just a bottle as they are fond of keeping boxes of wine at their places. The thought that you have ample of that thing, which you desire the most is more than sufficient for almost every one. Nevertheless, bad luck does not knock on your door step instead, it just come in. This is exactly what happens to most of the sufferers as when they ran out of the stock and they cannot afford to buy a wine bottle, getting the last drop from a box of wine is their only option.


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    Take out all of the bottles

    If you really want to have a taste of your favourite liquor and suffice your need, it is strongly suggested that you should take out all of the bottles that you have kept in your house until now. Of course, you cannot do anything about the bottles that you have thrown away, so you must forget about them. On the other hand, you must take out every bottle in your house and place it on your table. This way, you will be able to know how many bottles do you have and what are the odds.

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    Check everyone

    After we are done with a drink or liquor, there is always a small portion left at the bottom of the bottle. So, keeping this in mind, you must open the bottles and check if there is anything left in the bottle. At times, the remaining quantity appears to be too low in a bottle, but if you start putting this in a separated glass, that might appear to be sufficient for you in the event. Therefore, it is up to you whether you want to drink directly from the bottle or you want to wait until the glass has reached a certain level and then quench your thirst.

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    Use a straw

    Another good way to drink the last drop of wine is to arrange a straw and use that in every bottle. Remember that pouring the liquid in another glass might not help, so you can use a straw for this purpose and this would help you in getting the last drop from every bottle.

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    Place the bottle upside down

    Another good way is to place the bottle upside down for a little while as this would make every drop move downwards and you will be able to access it easily.

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