How to Get the Right Bike Size for You

Purchasing the right size bike is very important for your riding comfort, and safety. A nicely fitted bike is a bike you will frequently use and ride on. It is very simple to decide the right size bike for you if you are aware of your complete measurements. There are a number of ways to get the right size bike with good effect.


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    If you want to know a bike sizing chart (the ones that talk about stand-over height and top-tube length), you will have to know a few of your measurements. Get a tape measure, big hardback book (like a library book), a pen and pad, and a friend as well.

    Stand straight against a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Remember you wear shoes during this routine (wearing the cycling shoes is ideal). Put the spine of the book against your crotch (as far as it can go) and the bottom edge of the book right down to the surface. This will tell you your inseam length and you should note it down on a piece of paper.

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    Use the assistance of a friend

    Maintain the book in position, make your friend measure from the top edge of the book to the V in your neck. This will give you the torso length. Therefore, write it down. Make sure the tape measure is straight up and not tangled up. After that, remove the book.

    Now you should measure your arm length. Hold one arm to the side and hold it parallel to the surface, and in fist position. Move the fist so that the thumb is the nearest part of the hand to the ceiling. Ask your friend to calculate from your collarbone to the middle of your closed fist. This will give you your arm length, note it down.

    When this is done, put the measurements together and to good use. When a bike sizing chart discusses stand over height, you will have to use the inseam length to find your clearance.

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    Top tube length

    Another crucial measurement on the sizing chart is top tube length. To find the exact match, add your torso length and arm length together, divide that by 2 and minus 6. The result will give you how long your top tube length needs to be, and that too in inches. This will help you get the right bike size for you.

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