How To Get Water sports Licence In London

Water sports licence is a requirement for any person who wishes to offer sporting activities related to water to young people, who must be below 18 years of age. Moreover, the main aim of that person is to operate such activities in a commercial way so he or she could earn money from it. Therefore, obtaining a water sports licence from the local authority is a must for such a person to operate this kind of business. If you are interested in providing water sports facilities to young people in London and do not know where and how to get its licence, then see the information provided further in this article.


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    Who requires a Water Sports Licence:

    The Activity Centres (Young Persons' Safety) Act 1995 has made it a legal requirement for every person who intends to provide specific adventure activities, including water sports, to go through proper inspection in order to verify their safety measures system before obtaining a water sports licence.

    Usually, this type of licensing applies to these activities when they take place in an isolated or remote environment. For instance, mountaineering on a natural land requires a licence, but climbing on a wall that was especially built for this purpose does not require any such formality. The main purpose of this licensing is to ensure that the activity providers must take good safety measures, and youngsters can enjoy such adventurous activities without a risk of injury or death.

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    Where to get Water Sports Licence:

    The Adventure Activities Licensing Authority, which is a unit of Health and Safety Executive (HSE), issues water sports licence after conducting its inspection. If the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority is satisfied with the safety management system of the water sports service provider only then will they grant them the water sports licence on behalf of Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

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    How to send Water Sports Licence Application:

    In order to find out how to send the application, an applicant should make contact with the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority. See the contact details in the next step.

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    Contact the Adventure Activities Licensing Service of HSE:

    The contact details of the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority are:

    Rose Court Office (covers London only):

    Address: 2 Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HS, United Kingdom
    Fax: +44 20 7556 2102

    Westminster Office:

    Address: Caxton House, Tothill Street, London SW1H 9NA, United Kingdom
    Fax: +44 20 7227 3802

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