How to Get Your Employees to Speak Up

Gone are the days when the manager will single handedly make all the important decision and would not listen to even a single word on how he or she manages the team. In today age, it is not the employees who work for the promotion of the manager, but it is the manager who removes the obstacles and road block in the way to their progression and learning. The point is that the things have changed and the opinion of everybody ranging from the office receptionist to the chief executive officer matters.

To foster this sort of environment however, some structural changes need to be implemented within an organization. With time, people will adapt accordingly. These changes have been summarized in this article.


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    Make It Safe to Communicate and Open Up

    The first step towards getting your employees to speak up is to create a conducive environment for it. There should be no disciplinary actions and judgments just waiting to be passed when a person gives an honest opinion about anything ranging from the management to operation. There should also no bound on the number and type of questions which can be asked. Encourage your people to speak up even if they have a scintilla of doubt in what they are supposed to do, so that the processes and the end results can be improved.

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    Try New Ways of Communication

    Break the seniority barriers and try innovative methods of communication with your employees. You can arrange a combine get together for them or sponsor a sports match just to make them feel at ease. With them in their comfort zone, you can listen to their true opinions, complains and inputs.

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    Encourage Honest Dialogue

    Introduce incentives for people who come with interesting opinions. Allow them to own their opinions and make them responsible for any subsequent change that takes place. This will encourage them to take more ownership and also inspire other to be honest in their opinions and feedbacks.

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    Don’t Criticize For The Sake Of It

    When we talk about open communication lines, it does not mean that people forget their place. There should not be any indignation and the criticism should not be done just for the sake for it. Be vigilant to ensure that the criticism is positive and nobody tries to achieve a personal vendetta through this privilege.

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