How to Get your Toddler to Pick Up Their Toys

Every parent loves to spend time with their children, especially when they are young toddlers. This is because they are like sponges who are willing to absorb and learn anything and everything from their surroundings at that point in time.

Playing with toys is one of the most fun things to do with a toddler, since it really helps show us just what the children enjoy and just how active their imaginations are. However, one of the draw backs to playing with toddlers, is to get them to pick up their toys once they are done, and for them to clear out the mess that they have made.


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    In order to try and get your toddler to start helping you out with the cleaning, and for them to develop some responsibility, you need to communicate with the child. You need to tell the toddler that play time is now over, and in order for them to get snacks or anything else which they might need, they are going to have to help out with the cleaning.

    However, be supportive and show encouragement so that they feel they are doing the right thing, and for them to enjoy helping you out.

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    Designate spaces

    The next thing you want to do, is designate areas or places where you want the children to store the toys. This can be done by placing a box in a corner and telling the toddler that, the box is where all the toys have to go.

    Doing this will help teach the toddler that everything has to be put in a specific place and that cleaning up involves moving things into their place of origin, instead of just placing them around the house randomly.

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    You need to lay out the law and have a series of consequences that your children have to make up for, should they fail to help you. These could range from time outs, to shorter playing times in the future.

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    Lead by example

    The best way to teach a toddler to pick up their toys, is to lead by example. You can play with their toys when they are doing the same, but once you signal that it is time to go, start putting the toys away and then encourage them to do the same. Not only will they want to copy you, but they would slowly turn it into a habit.

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