How to Give a Baby Eye Drops

Eye infections are very common in almost every age group. Nothing is as better as eye drops for a problem of this nature. Giving eye drops to an infant sometimes becomes really difficult. Usually, the kids start crying when the mothers try to do the job.

Nobody wants to see his/her kid little child crying. But who would like to have a baby weeping due to an eye infection. Just because the kids don’t feel comfortable with eye drops, it is not a good eye to leave this treatment. Learn a few simple techniques, and be very careful.


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    First of all, wash your hands thoroughly. Take any soap and clean the hands with fresh water. It is very essential to keep the dust and germs away from the baby’s eyes.

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    Make sure you have the appropriate eye drops. The baby’s eyes are very sensitive, therefore you cannot do any experiment. There is a possibility that the drops that treat your eyes would not do the same with the baby’s eyes.

    Hence, you are supposed to contact an eye specialist, and get the appropriate drops. If the drops are always available, check their expiry date before using.

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    It is the time to prepare the baby for the dose. Place him/her straight on the floor, and move to the baby’s head. Gently hold his/her head right between your knees. It is important, because the baby may move. If you find it odd, take help from someone else. Ask your partner to hold the baby’s head with his/her hands.

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    Now use your index finger and thumb to open the baby’s eye. It should be done after opening the cap of the bottle. It is better to turn the fan off, because the continuous air might make it difficult for the baby to keep eyes open.

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    Hold the bottle of the eye drops a few inches away from the baby’s eye. The baby may move suddenly, and there could be a huge accident if the bottle is too near the eye.

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    Keep your hand sturdy, and press the bottle to give the baby required quantity of the eye drops. Let the eye absorb the medicine. If you leave the eye straightaway, the medicine will run away as soon as the baby blinks.

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