How to Give a Great Smile

Nothing is more attractive or persuasive than a spontaneous and sincere smile. While the smile needs to come naturally, and may appear effortless, it  actually requires you to put in a good deal of effort before you can perfect it. You need to control your facial muscles strictly for a perfect and natural smile. Famous celebrities like Hollywood movie stars have all perfected their smiles, and the results of their efforts are visible in photos. In addition to practicing the smile, you also need to take care of your oral hygiene, by avoiding smoking, and refraining from drinking too much tea and coffee; this will lead to an attractive smile, with clean white teeth.


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    Self analysis is the best way to improve your smile, and for that you can take a photograph of yourself while smiling. Observe the photograph, and notice the things you like in your smile as well as the things that need changing.

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    Once you have observed your photos, it is time to begin the actual work, and for that it is recommended that you observe your face in the mirror. You need to practice smiling and see how you can bring changes in the structure of your face. The basics include smiling with both an open and a closed mouth; for some, the open-mouth smile just doesn’t work and they need to focus on improving their smile with their mouths closed. An open-mouth smile is known as the broad smile, and if you have crooked teeth, this is certainly not the right way for you to smile.

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    Smiling with your eyes is another art which needs to be perfected. You can do this by practicing it in front of a mirror too. The art of smiling with your eyes requires you to think of something happy; you will notice a change in your face and the expression of your eyes. Once you recognize it, you need to master this change so you can bring it on whenever you want.

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    Initially, you need to practice smiling with your mouth and eyes separately, and then simultaneously. You need to learn to hold the smile that you like and the one you think makes you look good. Feel your facial muscles when you hold the smile, pay attention to it, and then reproduce it. The basic thing is to recall happy memories, which make you smile in an attractive way.

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