How to Give a Speech on Live TV

Speaking to masses is never an easy thing and even established debaters may feel nervous delivering a speech despite years of experience and talking in public gatherings.

To talk to the masses you have to have some sort of credibility as they will never listen to you or at least not remember any of the things you may say in your speech if your credibility is not validated.


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    Do your homework before sitting in front of the camera. Remember you want to show to the masses that you know what you are talking about and should be taken seriously. If you are ill prepared, you will probably repeat the same stuff over and over again. This will look bad on your part.

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    A full rehearsal of your speech before going on-air is advised as it will help you filter the content of your speech.

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    The first step is always the expression of your confidence. Remember it is your confidence that calms the masses. If you are not confident it will bring your credibility to question.

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    Look into the camera as if you are conversing with the whole nation. You should communicate more effectively by making eye contact with them.

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    Try to avoid reading from the paper as the more you look down, the more you will lose your authority on your listeners.

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    Try not to repeat the same information twice. Tell your listeners something they don't already know.

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    Remember you are a source of information for your listeners, so choose the content of your speech wisely.

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    Do not offend any segment of the society. Remember you are in front of the camera and anything you say could be held against you.

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    Avoid the use of “filler words” as this will adversely affect the outcome of your speech. If you use too many filler words your audience will lose interest in what you have to say and most of them will probably not even remember what you said at the start of your speech. Some of these words are ahh, um, like, you know and so. The less you use these words the better for you.

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    Practice controlling the use of filler words before coming on camera, as losing this habit requires practice and patience.

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