How to Give Unconditional Love

We all are looking out for love. Finding love seems hard and unconditional love is what many of us don’t even understand. Many people say that I love you unconditionally without understanding the true essence of theses words. Unconditional love means loving without a motive and with no boundaries, loving without expecting to get back in return. It takes great selflessness to love someone unconditionally. If you manage to do that, you will be content with yourself and with the people around you. So take the first step towards loving unconditionally and you will be a better person.


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    The first and foremost rule is to treat others with respect, just like you would want to be treated yourself. Everyone can love when things are good but unconditional love requires going a step further and loving people even when the situation is bad. If your husband lost his job and there is financial instability, it requires unconditional love to stand by him. If someone close to you got ill and lost his prestige or position, still be there with him to give support. Love people in their hard times. Keep giving in your relationships till the very end. Place yourself in other peoples shoes before judging them.

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    Learn to accept people and differences. You do not love them if you want them to swing your way and change their personalities the way you want. Each one of us is different. We all make different mistakes chose wrong paths; do not be harsh to anyone just because they sin differently then you. Do not base your love on gender, religion, or cast. Even if your loved ones make mistakes, forgive them and don’t let your love lessen for them.

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    You are only responsible for your actions so try to be good and create a positive difference in the lives of others. It is in your hand to be non-judgmental, nice, loving and caring for people. Your love will be unconditional if you do not think of the benefit you are getting out of some one. Love is not just a feeling; it needs to be expressed through actions. It cannot be the safe for everyone. What might seem loving to one person can be harmful for another, it is not some set of rules, you decide based on intuition and keeping others best interests at heart.

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