How to Go Into a Jeet Kune Do Stance

Jeet Kune Do is a hybrid system and philosophy of life created by martial arts guru Bruce Lee in 1967 with direct and simple movements. Jeet Kune Do supporters feel that in minimal movement, you can generate maximum effect and amazing speed. It is more famously known as Bruce Lee’s art of scholarly street fighting. The stance is greatly balanced and it does not restrict movement in any particular way. On the other hand, it also improves speed and power, and ensures that no area is open for the other person to attack during the fight.


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    Foot work is crucial

    Begin with the feet. Search or draw a line on the ground and place your feet on any side of it, keeping shoulders width apart. Move ahead with your stronger foot at a distance that you are comfortable with. This is normally just one routine walking step.

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    Maintain free movement

    Place your natural foot inwards to the body a little bit and keeping yourself mobile during the process. In this way, you will help your groin stay away from injury problems. Angle your other foot in the exact way as your leading foot. For instance, if you placed your left foot in a clockwise direction, then your other foot should follow suit, but at a bigger angle than your leading foot.

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    Lift your heel

    Place the toe of your dominant close to the line on the ground, while maintaining the angles of your feet. Put your back foot in order for the line to go under the arch. After that, lift the heel of the back foot a little boot off the surface. This lifted heel is the force that will assist your body forward during the fight.

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    Make use of your thigh force

    Lower your knees so that your thigh muscles come into action to generate the extra power. Think of your legs (majority of the times the back leg) as a big spring. Lower your gaze, your feet as well as your trunk, and make them form an almost triangle to improve your body balance.

    Put your back hand against your chin, and in the meantime your elbow needs to be supporting the ribs. A handful of people have a habit of placing their back hand a little lower. Also, make sure to keep your chin safe from hooks.

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