How to Go on a Mushroom Hunt

Mushroom hunting is getting common nowadays. By this you can not only get food but also perform exercise. This type of hunting usually takes place after a heavy rain during the spring season. This activity is a lot of fun for everyone. However, you need to take caution while hunting mushrooms, as mushroom hunting is interesting but dangerous at the same time. Furthermore mushrooms can either be harmful or not good for health.

Things Required:

– A good walking stick
– Toilet paper
– A map
– A good guidebook on mushrooms


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    Look for a person who is well aware of mushrooms

    You need to check for a person who knows about mushrooms. You can ask your friends, family members, extended family or even colleagues that whether they know about mushrooms or not. Besides this, you can always join a mushroom hunting club. By going with someone who knows about mushrooms will make your job easier.

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    You need to find the right place for searching mushrooms. Visit your local public woods in order to hunt for mushrooms. It is strongly recommended that you take permission from the friend if he owns woods.

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    Thorough research

    You should thoroughly research about local mushrooms. You can always visit different websites or buy books which tell you details about mushrooms. Remember that few types of mushrooms appear to be beautiful but they might actually be poisonous.

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    Weather forecast

    Before going on mushroom hunting, you need to check the weather forecast. Wait for rain to stop and check if the weather will be cleared for the rest of the day before you go for hunting.

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    Get a stick

    You should take a stick along with you when going for mushroom hunting. You can even find a stick from woods. Use it to lift leaves in order find mushrooms. Remember that sticks can also be used for going up and down the hill.

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    Keep in mind that mushrooms are found in groups. In case you find one mushroom, check around for another nearby.

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    Enjoy the mushrooms

    After you find mushrooms, you can fry them, cook them or eat them by anyway. Besides this you can even put mushrooms in noodles or any other dish and consume the delicious dish.

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