How to go Through a Pregnancy Smoothly

During the whole period of pregnancy the female body goes through frequent and adequate changes. So, the need for vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances is necessary during this period.

For the full and healthy development of the fetus, it is very important for the mother not to concentrate on the physical condition but also mental. Stress, depressed emotional state may affect the development of the baby in the womb.

With the onset of pregnancy, the female body immediately begins to change and get ready for bearing a child. Sensitive women notice clear signs shortly after fertilization.


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    During the first and second week of pregnancy, eat less ice cream and other desserts. Eat more foods that contain folic acid. These include green leafy lettuce and corn.

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    To avoid any harmful effects, you first need to carry out all the recommendations of the doctor. Pregnant women should eat less meat, fat, sour cream and cottage cheese, yeast, flour products and sweets especially in the last months of pregnancy. Try to eat more fruits, dried fruits, vegetables, porridge, seafood, nuts and herbs.

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    Follow-stretching exercises to prepare for childbirth. It is highly recommended to attend relaxation exercises. Do not forget to walk in the fresh air. This will improve the supply oxygen and nutrients to all the organs of the body.

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    Lean on dates, because they contain a considerable amount of natural oxytocin - a hormone that causes uterine contractions. Another tool that increases melee is raspberry leaf tea and nettle.

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    Practice active breast massage, including the nipple. This manipulation helps release oxytocin, which helps to speed up the delivery. These methods will speed up the birth process and make it less painful.

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    Be careful with exotic foods. During pregnancy, the protective function of the body is not in a good condition. So, there is a risk of an allergy. Do not get carried away with watermelons in the later periods of pregnancy: overeating can cause swelling.

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    In the second half of pregnancy, include more dairy products in the diet. Your baby bones required a lot of calcium as they begin to form a shape.

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