How to Grow Carrots in Pots

Some people grow their own vegetables as a hobby. Others do it because they want to be sure of the origins of their meal. Many others believe the vegetables grown at home under personal supervision are better and cheaper. Carrot is a world’s favorite vegetable used as a salad and ingredient in many dishes. If you wish to grow your own carrot instead of buying from the market, you do not need any vegetable patch. Pots enable you to plant them in a limited area. The plus point is that you also get to those the quality of soil and it is easier to look after them in a pot. Our step by step guides tells you how to do so.


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    Choosing the pot:

    Most carrot varieties have root length of about one feet and need a space of around three inches wide. So select a pot size that accommodates these measurements. You can grow in several small pots or few large ones. Carrots look lovely in both rectangular and circular pots. Make a small drainage hole in the bottom of the pot if it does not have one already. The hole will help get rid of excess water. You can choose a clay pot, a metal tub or any plastic tub lying around the house or easily available in market.

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    The soil:

    You have to select the media for planting the seeds. You can either buy it from the market or use fertile soil from leaf compost that you might have. A mixture of red soil and coco peat serves as amazing medium to grow vegetables. If you want the soil to be stone and rock free, you can possibly use a sieve.  Water the soil first and let it to settle down before planting.

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    The seed:

    Popular seed varieties like Parmex, Kinbi and Nelson are easily available in packs in the market. If you know anyone who supplies home grown seeds you can also get them.

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    Using a small rod make holes in the soil for the seeds. Drop a seed in each hole and then cover up with the soil. Do not be too picky if you drop extra seeds in to a hole. You can always thin them up later.

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    The seeds take around two weeks to germinate. Your job is to keep the soil moist and avoid any sort of dry spells. Fertilize with any organic fertilizer after every three weeks. If you believe there is very little space for each carrot to grow, remove some seedlings by using scissors so that each carrot can grow to its full size and there is no over - crowding

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    Carrots need a total time of two and half months to ripe. However, if you have grown them for using at home, you can pick as much as you need at times and leave the rest in the pot.

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