How to Grow Garden Salsa Peppers

A salsa made from pepper in different varieties, fresh from the garden, is a treat for a cook. The peppers bring in the right amount of heat and flavour to the dish and spice it up for a wonderful meal. Peppers come in a number of varieties and the colours of green, red and yellow help in differentiating them. These vibrant colours also brighten up the salsa dish itself.

Pepper varieties can be chosen according to the salsa flavour desired, ranging from hot to mild and the best part is that growing pepper at home is a very simple and rewarding activity.


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    The right time to start growing peppers is 6 to 10 weeks before the last frost.

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    Pepper is best grown in containers, and plastic and mud pots are best for planting their seeds. Take 1/3 good garden soil, 1/3 vermiculite and 1/3 sand. Pepper varieties love sand and thrive well in it. Mix these three well together and fill the pots with the mixture. Leave at least ¼ inch at the top of the pot for watering.

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    Pepper seeds are easily available at local nurseries. Seeds saved from last season can also be used to grow pepper at low cost. If a neighbour or friend grows a good salsa variety, seeds can also be gotten fromhim/her for a guaranteed good yield.

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    Plant the seeds inside the pots. Water the pots and place them at a location where they will get at least six hours of good sunlight. Window sills are usually the perfect places for keeping the pots.

    Pots can also be kept on top of refrigerators for providing warmth. They can be covered with a cling film to create a warm and humid environment which encourages germination. Once the seedlings germinate, thin them out and leave only the stronger ones for healthy yield.

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    Water the seeds regularly till they germinate. The seeds should be moist but not soaked as that can cause them to rot. When seeds appear, trim off the weaker ones and open up the windows to adapt the plant to cooler weather. When the seedlings grow strong and the weather goes above 85 degrees Fahrenheit, transplant the seeds outside.

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    Choose a location in the garden which gets ample sunlight. Dig up the ground and transplant the seedlings in small holes. Water them lightly and firm up the ground around them. Spreading up a layer of organic fertilizer can boost the growth. Peppers take up to three months to bear fruit.

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