How to Grow Hair Faster With Olive Oil

Olive oil is extracted from olives and it has numerous health and beauty benefits. The oil is used for cooking purposes and is considered a healthier option than other oil extracts. It is also used as an ingredient in preparing dishes. Obviously, if you are healthy on the inside, it is going to reflect on your skin and hair. Olive oil has also been used since centuries for hair growth. It has moisturizing and repairing properties and boosts hair growth. Not only does your hair grow long, they also grow strong and shiny. Natural products like Olive oil are much better than the commercial options available in market as it is free of chemicals. Olive oil has mono saturated hair and antioxidants which accelerate hair growth. Olive oil hair treatment is easy and soon you will notice considerable increase in hair length.
Things you need:
– Olive oil– Bowl or container
– Shampoo
– Conditioner – Shower cap
Pour olive oil in a microwaveable container or bowl. The quantity of the oil should be enough to cover your hair. If you have long hair, you will need a greater amount to cover the scalp and length. Heat the oil in the oven to a temperature that is bearable enough for your scalp. Warming the oil helps your scalp absorb it better, increasing the effectiveness.
Dip your fingers into the bowl and use the oil to massage your scalp. You can also use a cotton ball instead of the fingers to dab the skin. However, fingers are best in massaging and opening up the pores of your scalp to absorb the oil. Oil all the length of your hair. If you have split end problem that hampers hair growth, pay special attention to the ends of the hair so that they are repaired.
Massage your hair well for at least five minutes to let the oil sink in. Oiling is no good without a good massage. You can now put on a shower plastic cap for providing a medium for the oil to act on the hair and the scalp. If your do not have a shower cap, you can even use a clean plastic grocery bag.
Leave the oil on for an hour. Wash off with a good quality shampoo. You might have to have two shampoo sessions to get the oil off completely. Condition the hair for better results. Do this hair treatment regularly, at least twice a week for visible results.