How to Grow Horehound at Home

Horehound, also known as hoarhound, marrubium vulgare and white horehound, is an aromatic herb that has been used for medication since ancient time. It is native to Europe and Asia and is known for its crinkled, slightly hairy oval-shaped leaves and small white flowers. If we talk about its unlimited medicinal uses, Horehound is used in dealing with numerous digestive problems, flavouring candies and beer, and cough etc. it is a superb idea to grow Horehound at home in order to take advantage of its multiple benefits as it provides you with fresh and pure product.


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    Select the Growing Method

    Seed, cuttings and division are the three growing techniques that you can use in order to grow Horehound at Home. However, the seeds’ method is the simplest, approved and most successful one that you consider.

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    Wait for the Right Time

    Three weeks before the last spring frost or the early spring are two most suitable times to grow Horehound at home.

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    Select the Location

    Inspect the lawn, backyard or front yard of your house and opt for the sunny and well-drained area to grow Horehound.

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    Prepare the Location

    Once you finalized the location, cultivate its soil to a depth of 6 to 8 inches, using a garden fork, tiller or a large shovel. However, make sure not to amend its soil with a fertilizer, compost or manure.

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    Plant / Sow Horehound

    If you are using seeds to grow horehound, place them about ¼ -inch below the soil surface and cover them with a thin layer of soil – now more than ¼ -inch.

    For propagation from plant cuttings, place the healthy cutting at about 10-inches space and cover their root with soil.

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    Water the Planted Horehound

    Immediately after planting, use a garden hose or a watering can to water the area. Make sure to keep the soil a little moist until the seeds or cuttings germinate. After that, watering once a week or at the drying of soil would be enough.

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    Thin Out the Horehound

    Once the horehound’s seedlings emerge from the soil, thin them to maintain a suitable distance and to do away with the weak and infected ones. This step is not applicable for the planted cuttings.

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    Remove the Weeds

    Various weeds eat the nutrients of your Horehound seedlings. Use the pointed tip of the hoe to carefully do away with the weeds all around the Horehound seedlings or cuttings.

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    Apply Fertilizers

    Nourish your horehound plants with some all-purpose fertilizers in the spring season. It heartens the horehounds’ leafy growth that will be harvested at the end.

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    Continue Your Care

    Continue watering and fertilizing until the leaves of horehounds are well grown to be harvested.

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