How to Handle a Job Denial Letter

Companies usually don’t bother to apprise the applicants who fail to qualify their minimum requirements or don’t fit the criteria for the job or don’t have enough calibre to go through with the job at some stage of the recruitment process. However, there are still some companies that still have the courtesy to tell the rejected applicants that there services can be acknowledged for some odd reason and they will look to keep their curriculum vitae with the firm database for future prospects.

Tests are usually cleared by bulk of the candidates but not all of them have enough confidence to go through from the bombardment of questions in the panel interview. Hence, they have the talent to perform the job but not enough guts to prove their worth so companies usually get back to them to tell them that they are not fit for the job. A letter of rejection is sent to them; usually it is electronic in nature but sometimes original letters are also sent to the candidates on their addresses. However, if you are a victim of such a situation than the best strategy is to not get bobbed down instantaneously rather stand up and covert your failure into victory by taking the rejection as an opportunity to find your shortcomings.

Remain in contact with the firm. You are rejected for one job, it is not war or personal grudges that cost you the post but your own shortcoming so you shouldn’t act like a retard and hate the firm or buy the negative word of mouth of people and demoralize yourself further.


  • 1

    Remember you were not the only applicant for the job and there might be someone more deserving amongst the candidates. However, everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. You cleared the test stage so that means you were better than almost 30% of the lot.

  • 2

    Console yourself and be happy for that. If you cleared the interview, the percentage can rise up to 50%. You did great anyway. Hence, there is no need to be sad.

  • 3

    Don’t be arrogant rather be courteous and respond the firm back for being caring enough to tell you what they though in the most desirable fashion.

  • 4

    You might still have a chance if you were amongst the top 5% of the candidates left in the selection process because offer to the priority candidate can be turned down by him.

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