How to Handle Lasik Surgery

If you are suffering from nearsightedness, farsightedness or have astigmatism then LASIK surgery is ideal. LASIK is the abbreviation of “laser in-situ keratomileusis” and is considered the most effective treatment to correct vision.

The cornea is reshaped in this laser surgery and it has many advantages and disadvantages at the same time. For example, LASIK has an instant effect and the patient’s vision is corrected in no time but one may see halos around images after surgery. Similarly, there are many other benefits and side effects but you can make this procedure beneficial if you know how to handle it.


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    Before LASIK surgery:

    There are a couple of things that you should keep in mind before going to the surgeon. First thing is to get clearance from a medical expert. In this evaluation, your medical history will be examined. Mostly, the thickness of your cornea, corneal mapping and pupil dilation are checked. If the medical coordinator clears you then the surgeon will give you an appointment.
    You must avoid heavy meals on the day of surgery. Similarly, avoid any makeup, perfume as chemical elements can cause an infection. Do not wear tight glasses and take all the medicines that are necessary before the laser surgery.

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    During LASIK surgery:

    Before starting the surgery, Doctors prepare your eyes for the procedure. They use anaesthesia in the form of drops to numb your eyes. This is to make you comfortable during the procedure which will take only ten minutes. If you have any allergy then talk freely to your doctor. During LASIK surgery, surgeons use an instrument called a Microkeratome that helps in cutting a thin flap in your cornea and then peeling it back. After this, the surgeon uses another laser tool to reshape the corneal tissue. With this adjustment, your cornea will be able to throw light onto the retina in proper manner.

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    After LASIK surgery:

    Now, when you have gone through the procedure, there are still some things that you should keep in mind. To minimise the chances of side effects you should rest or sleep immediately after surgery. Do not forget to use antibiotics prescribed by the doctor. Similarly, you should wear dark glasses or protective shield while going out. You must not start routine work for a couple of days as you should allow your eyes to heal properly. Stay connected with your surgeon and contact him or her immediately if there is any problem.

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