How to Handle PS3 Hard Drive Corruption Problems

Playstation 3 is not just a gaming console but a specialised computer. Just like any normal computer, parts of the PS3 fails or troubleshoots. In case you experience any hard drive corruption problems, you get frustrated. The corrupted hard drive leads to other system failures. However, you can resolve this problem with a built-in system recovery feature. Just like a normal computer, PS3 seek its missing files and reinstall them. In addition to this, the console can be restored back to its factory settings. If this method fails then you can always buy a new hard drive and install it.

Things Required:

– Screwdriver
– 2.5” SATA hard drive


  • 1

    Turn off the console

    First of all you need to turn off your PS3 in case it is on.

  • 2

    Press and hold power button

    After turning off your PS3 you need to hold the power button on after dabbing it. Then turn off your console once again.

  • 3

    Press and hold power button again

    Next you need to repeat the process again. However, you hold the power button until you hear two beeps subsequently. In case your PS3 powers off before hearing the second beep then you need to repeat the process. It will work in the second try.

  • 4

    Connect the controller

    After hearing two consecutive beeps you need to join the controller with a USB cable to the PS3. Remember to connect your control when the console prompts you to do.

  • 5

    Turn on the controller

    You need to turn on your PS3 controller after connecting. By this way you will have access to the menu.

  • 6

    Chose ‘Restore File System’

    After having access to the recovery menu, you need to look for the option ''Restore File System''. Checks for corrupt/ missing system files.’ This is usually the third option. You need to select this option in order for the console to find and repair corrupted files. In case this process fails to fix your PS3 hard drive then you need to follow the proceeding step for complete system restore.

  • 7

    Turn off the console

    Power off your PS3 simply by pressing the button.

  • 8

    Repeat step two and three

    You need to power on and then power off your PS3. After this press and hold the power button until you hear two beeping sounds.

  • 9

    Choose ‘Restore PS3 System’

    After seeing the recovery menu you need to choose the fifth option i.e. Restore PS3 System: Fresh restore; Deletes everything and starts from Scratch.’ This process will restore your PS3 settings to its original factory settings.

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