How to Have a Successful Garage Sale

If you are planning to clean your house and get rid of the trash sitting in your store, then organising a garage sale can be your best option. This will not only help you in getting some extra space but you will also be able to make some money by selling these useless items.

However, organising a garage sale does not mean that you will just put anything on display and fill your pockets without any effort. You will have to make some arrangements otherwise this garage sale will be a futile exercise.


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    Collect things you can sell:

    The first thing you should do is to get items that you can use for your garage sale. This will definitely take some time but ultimately this little exercise will yield profitable results. Make a list of things that you think have become obsolete and are taking up some extra space in your house. Get a couple of boxes and start putting such things in these boxes. However, you must keep them in good condition as no one would like to waste his/her money on trash.

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    Organise and setup for success:

    Next thing you should do is clean all the items and put them in boxes. After that, you should prepare the venue for sale. Last thing you want on your sale is a potential customer leaving just because of the improper arrangements.

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    Decide the day of garage sale:

    You must have a garage sale on the weekend otherwise the turnout will be below expectations. Saturday can be an ideal day for such an event as chances of selling everything will be double. Similarly, you should start your garage sale well in time, 9 am is usually ideal.

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    Advertise the event:

    Notifying people around you is another important thing to do to make your garage sale successful. Advertise the event and you will be amazed to see the results. You do not need to spend much as simple posters, banners in streets or an ad on the internet can do the job. Make sure that you are giving complete information about the date, time and venue of the event.

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    Price all the items wisely:

    You must know that people visit garage sales just to buy useful items and save some money. You should price everything according to its worth. Moreover, be ready to bargain and give discounts.

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    Take cash:

    For quick sales, you should accept only cash. In this way, you will be able to avoid any unwanted dispute.

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