How to Have Flair in your Home with Log Bookcases

In this present age of modern media where you can easily download audio books, print them out and get reference materials on almost every subject over the internet, keeping a book at home is not that desirable anymore. However, books are still considered very valuable, despite the advancements in digital world. As a result of this, trim down the literary books in your house and have only the books that you wish to have at all costs, or the important ones. Know that there are a number of ways to have flair in your home with log bookcases.


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    Fictional books

    Think about the role that books play in your everyday life. See whether a lot of books make you literate and comfortable. Mull if the tremendous amount of books on drama, history and literature in your house will have a good effect on you as a person or whether you will have time to read them in your busy schedule. Several people believe books are sacred and should be kept no matter what. It is vital to know the reason you have still kept your college books or Encyclopedia, and then you can decide what to do with them.

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    Sort your book collection

    Select a day and pick up cardboard boxes and begin clearing the books. Then sort your books according to the good ones, maybes and the ones you want to read in the future. After that, go over again on the maybes and the probable ones. Make sure you know that selling Mario Puzo’s Godfather will not make you less smart. Then box up the discarded books that you want to sell or donate. Stack the books and other things you want to put on the shelves. Also check the space available on the shelf, and if you need more space then remove more books or place extra shelves.

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    Categorise the books

    Separate books into categories as suited to you. For instance, fiction, new literature, mysteries and cookbooks should be kept separately. Keep various shelves of books on different shelves or in some other room. Moreover, create a log on the computer if you have a large collection. Sort out titles alphabetically for every category and note the shelf the book is placed. Also keep details of the books that you give to a friend for a while. Put this log in a binder on the book shelf.

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