How to Have Neat Penmanship

Neat handwriting or penmanship is equally important for a student, teacher, writer or any other professional. It doesn’t only make a good impression on the minds of the readers, but also portrays your personality traits. If you want to improve your penmanship in order to make good impression on your teachers or readers, you will have to follow some basic guidelines.

Things Required:

– Notebook
– Writing utensil
– Good graphite
– Paper towel or something else to dry your hands.
– A good eraser
– Lots of time and patience
– A piece of paper


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    Select your writing style

    First of all, you have to select a good writing style for yourself. There are many different forms of writing which mainly include plain and cursive style. If you want to be an elegant penman, you must choose cursive style. However, if you just want to keep your writing simple, you can select plain handwriting style. Besides, try to choose a style which you can follow easily according to the movement of your hands.

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    Clean your hands properly

    It is extremely important for you to keep your hands free of sweat. You may require a paper towel to keep your hands sweat free in order to write efficiently. Wet hands do not only decrease the sharpness of your handwriting, they also hinder your writing speed. Therefore, keep your hands dry all the time.

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    Get a good quality lead pencil

    If you want to improve your handwriting, you must get a good quality pencil. Good quality lead pencil is often quite expensive, but it surely lasts long as compared to the low quality one. Besides, it provides great help to write efficiently.

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    Move to pen or pointer

    After practising with the lead pencil, you must move onto writing with pen or pointer. It is very important for you to use a good quality pen or pointer to keep your handwriting intact.

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    Keep practising

    You cannot keep your handwriting neat, if you don’t write few pages every day. So, assign a proper time to writing in your daily routine.

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    Keep your focus on

    Writers often lose the sharpness and neatness in their writing because they don’t try to pay attention to what they write. You must keep focus on your letters so as to make your handwriting neat.

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