How to Heal Ear Infections with Salt

Ear infections are a common problem among people nowadays. They are usually caused with sore throats or after catching a cold. It is when bacteria enter the ear which results in inflammation and a fluid which can be extremely painful. Some of the symptoms of an ear infection are fluid drainage from ear, pain and difficulty in hearing.

Ear infections are most common among children. These can be treated with antibiotics or simple remedies in your house which fights pain until your body recovers.

Things Required:

– Measuring cup
– Salt
– Bowl
– Microwave
– Large sock
– Rubber band
– Water
– Sea Salt
– Glass
– Spoon


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    The Salt Sock Remedy

    Place salt in a bowl

    First of all you need to get salt and place it in a microwave-safe bowl. You need to place 1 cup of salt in the bowl.

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    Heat the salt

    Next you need to heat the salt in hot settings. Place the microwave-safe bowl in the microwave oven and set the timer to three minutes. Remember the salt should be hot after heating. In case it is not hot then you can heat it for another two to three minutes.

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    Pour salt in the sock

    After heating the salt, you need to fill up the large sock with it. Remember that it should be half filled. Then you need to seal the open end of the sock with a rubber band.

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    In the end you need to apply the heated sock on the infected ear. You need to place it under the ear after lying down. This will draw out the fluid and will help in drawing away the pain.

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    Gargle with Sea Salt

    Heat water

    You need to take 1 cup of water in a microwave-safe glass and heat it. Remember that you need to warm the water and not make it hot. Heat it in the microwave for a minute under medium settings.

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    Add sea salt

    Then add sea salt in the warm water and stir until it dissolves. This will take almost two minutes.

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    In the end, gargle it thrice a day. This will help in getting rid of mucus and other infection which usually causes ear infections.

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