How to Help a Depressed Loved One

It is hard to see someone you love suffer from depression, especially when you yourself have experienced it and are aware of the effect that it has on one’s mind, health and social life. Helping out your loved one to cope with depression and eventually step out of it is something that you would be desperate to do. There are a lot of ways in which you can help a depressed loved one. Keep in mind that you will have to show some serious commitment if you truly want to pull your loved one out of depression.
In order to be better equipped to help your depressed loved one, you should do a bit of research on depression and its different classes. Learning about depression will allow you to know its effects and the best possible ways to combat them. You will also be able to learn about the different symptoms that will help you to know what kind of depression your loved one is suffering from.
Use the knowledge gained in the first step to assess your loved one and identify the kind of depression that they are suffering from. Signs of recognising may include loss of appetite, deprivation, mood swings, frequent headache, pain in different regions of the body, etc.
Talk to your loved one about their depression. Encourage them to discuss whatever it is that is bothering them. Talking about a problem or sadness reduces its intensity and impact. You will also be able get a better understanding of your loved one’s depression.
Be a good listener. Ask the right questions so that your loved one feels encouraged to talk and do not interrupt them too much. Allow your loved one to do most of the talking. They may have some pent up frustration or anger that they may want to vent.
Try to be there for your loved one whenever they need you. Do not leave them at their own for too long. They may fall deeper into their depression if they are left alone. It is also important to let your loved one know that you are concerned about them and want to be there for them in their difficult time.
Encourage your loved one to go out. In fact, take them out with you to breathe some fresh air and hang out at different places such as cafes, park, or even the movies.