How to Help People Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a disease in which the person has prolonged body pain, irritation in muscles and joints, and has a very painful response to any external force applied on the body. Many people diagnosed with fibromyalgia face a lot of issues early on to adapting to the limitations imposed on them. The first most task of anyone trying to help a person suffering with fibromyalgia is to become a good listener and listen what the patient has to say.

Fibromyalgia is sometimes referred as the invisible disease, as people cannot observe it, unless the patient himself expresses pain. The crux of the problem lies with the fact that it is a very painful and serious issue, while it is believed to be a physiological problem and patients are accused of imagining it all. It can take many years before a person is diagnosed with fibromyalgia. People who are recently diagnosed with it are the most difficult ones to handle, as they are in the denial mode.

If you have no idea how to help someone cope with fibromyalgia, the best you can do is to develop your listening skills and listen to what they have to say with attention, giving them confidence and hope.


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    First of all you will have to develop the listening skills for hearing their side of the story. Give the person the feeling that you really care about them as they are in need of your empathy rather than your sympathy.

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    Try to talk them out of their grief. Initially, most patients are in the denial mode, but as reality dawns upon them, they start getting more and more gloomy. The ideal way to keep the patients happy and gloom-free is to talk less and less about the disease.

    Just keep them busy in conversations and occupied in some activity. However, don’t except the patient to be all smiles and full of life.

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    Schedule their appointments with doctor and always be present in those sit ins. Doctors may sometimes not pay much attention to what the patient has to say as they are focused on reading their body language, and their physical condition. So you should explain the symptoms to the doctor and ask them about ways on how to reduce pain while lifting objects.

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