How to Help Someone with PTSD from War

If you have a friend or family member that has served in the armed forced then there is a good chance that they might be suffering for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD. This condition is relatively common amongst soldiers that have returned home after serving in the military. The concept of warfare has changed as soldiers find themselves in the middle as they watch the horrors of war. This affects the soldiers mentally and can have long lasting repercussions. If you want to help someone with PTSD from war then there are few methods that you can use.


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    Build up trust:

    You must first build up some trust with someone who is suffering from PTSD from war. In the beginning this can be very hard as the person with PTSD will think that you cannot possibly understand what they have gone through on the battlefield. However, with perseverance and a lot of patience, you will start to build up some trust.

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    Learn to listen:

    It is very important that you sit down and listen to someone with PTSD from war. It takes some time to build up the trust but once they do start talking, listen carefully and attentively. Remember to pay attention to everything they say and try not to judge or offer advice that seems like standard boring responses.

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    Help out:

    You can always try to help out someone with PTSD from war by doing little errands for them. By offering to help with little mundane things, you will start to build up some trust and the person suffering from PTSD will begin to realise that you care about them. Simple things like doing their laundry or mowing their grass can go a long way to helping someone with PTSD from war.

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    Plan fun activities:

    Although someone that is suffering for PTSD from war will probably not be in the mood to have fun, you can always try to plan something out. Going to an amusement park, concert or movie can work wonders for helping someone with PTSD from war. This basically gets their mind off things and lets them have some fun. Once they figure out that they can enjoy certain activities then they will start to open up and you can then help them.

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    Show encouragement and understanding:

    Try to show as much encouragement and understanding as you possibly can. Someone suffering for PTSD from war will need a lot of encouragement from you. Understanding what they went through will definitely help you while talking and listening to their problems.

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