How to Help Your Child Get into Science and Technology

Almost every kid in the world hates dry subjects like math, science and technology. Mostly, parents make a common mistake of imposing their likes and dislike which ultimately makes their children unhappy.

Remember, your kids are not old enough to decide what is good or bad for them but it does not mean that you have the licence to enforce your thoughts. You should act like a facilitator and get involved in their education.

Though, it will not be easy to push them for science and technology but little bit persuasion can do the trick.


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    Never say anything negative about science and technology in front of them otherwise they will make a bad image in their minds and won’t show any interest. Make them realise that these subjects have great importance in our daily life.

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    Show your inclination towards science and technology and discuss interesting things with them. You can motivate them with different tricks or games. For instance, playing “Do you know?” game is really effective technique to enlighten them about the latest happenings in science and technology. Give rewards to maintain their interest.

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    Appreciate them on minor achievements. Encourage them to ask questions and listen to them with patience. Remember, this persuasion may take time to yield favourable results so you should be consistent and tolerant.

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    Help them to apply their knowledge in real life. Tell them how things are working and how science and technology has made life easy. Encourage them to read special editions of magazines about science and technology. Give examples from their own life and you will see them showing interest.

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    Encourage them to join a club in the school and be part of informal learning activities. These clubs arrange tours to different science and technology museums and help the kids to develop some interest.

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    Make in-house activities a learning process for your kids. Engage them in examining different machines like laptops, calculators or television sets. Ask them to read the manuals of these machines and tell you how they work. This exercise will really help them to get into the world of science and technology.

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    Introduce them to the personalities who have done something really amazing in these fields. Tell them how they made a difference in life through science and technology. Make these scientists their ideals and you will see them following their footsteps.

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