How to Hide That You Like Someone

If you have a crush on someone and you do not have the confidence to express your feelings to that person, then you are left with no option but to hide your feelings. That too, however, is not exactly a very easy thing to do. You will find it extremely hard to keep your heart from beating faster every you are close to them. You will find it next to impossible from breathing normally when they are looking in your direction. You will find it really hard to speak when you know they are within listening range. All these things are likely to give your feelings for that person away. If you are really keen on hiding your feelings for that someone, then there are a few things that you will need to make certain.


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    Do not ogle them every time you get an opportunity. Your strong temptation to keep staring at them is understandable, but you should not do that. Try to avoid making and holding an eye contact with them as well, as that will be more than just a subtle hint that you like them. If a nearby person sees you looking in the direction of that person, then this person is likely to learn of your secret. If you really must look at them, just do so once and that when you are sure that the person you have a crush on and others around you do not catch you in the act.

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    Even though you will be tempted to do some thoughtful gestures for your crush, refrain from giving in to your temptation. If you allow yourself to be swayed by your emotions, then your crush will surely suspect you of having feelings for them and consequently your secret will cease to be a secret.

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    Even though it is hard to keep secrets from friends, you should not take the risk of confiding this particular secret in your friends, especially the ones who love to gossip. The news of your crush can spread like wild fire in a dry forest if you share your secret with the wrong person.

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    Do not spend too much time with your crush’s friends. This can create suspicions among your friends, as well as the friends of your crush’s friends. If you are on good terms with them, it is fine to fine to chat and laugh with them. However, if you increase your interaction with them all of a sudden, then this can possibly result in your secret coming out in the open.

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    Do not let your body language convey your feelings for the person you like. While you are talking to that person, do not jitter or fidget too much. Do not deploy any flirting tactics either, for obvious reasons of course. Try to breathe normally and do not stare into their eyes for too long.

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    One great way of letting someone know that you are interested in them is by giving them your undivided attention. Avoid doing this if you want your secret to remain a secret.

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