How to Hold a Newborn Baby

Your newborn baby is a blessing and a gift from God. So you really have to handle him or her with great care, especially during early days of birth. You will find the bones and skin of a newborn very sensitive and delicate. So, you really have to get a proper idea of the various ways to hold a newborn baby, especially if you are first-time parents. However, you do not have to get this task into nerves as it is very simply to learn and adopt. All you need is caution and confidence in your parenthood.
Once you learn the simple ways involved in holding a newborn baby, there is no preeminent feeling than playing with your angel in your arms.
How to Hold a Newborn Baby
The neck of you newborn baby would be very flexible for couple of weeks and therefore requires your proper support. Carefully place your right hand under your baby’s head and gently wrap it around his or her neck, making sure it is not tightly wrapped. Now place your left hand under your newborn’s bottom. If you are left-handed, simple reverse the directions left and right.
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Shoulder Support
The other simple way to hold your newborn baby is gently place his or her chest on your shoulder, wrapping one of your arms around your baby’s back as a support.
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Calm Down Your Screaming Baby
There is no specific time for a newborn. He/she can start screaming any time they want. So, you have to handle your baby carefully. Simply put one of your arms between his/her legs in order to support his belly area and wrap the other arm around his/her hip as a firm support. Besides calming down your baby, use can use this technique to hold your baby carefully during meals.
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Let Newborn Look into Your Eyes
Newborn baby simply loves to create a direct eye contact with mother as she is the one who spend much time with him/her. The way your baby hold his/her legs supported on you like springs, need your proper support. The best thing you can do is, use both of your hand to hold him/her by armpits and with your thumbs facing forward direction. The other four fingers of both hands should be at the back of his/her armpits at about 45 degrees angle from your body.
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Be a Chair for your Newborn
The best and comfortable sitting position for your newborn baby could be your knees, serving as soothing chair for him/her. Keep your baby in sitting position on your lap with his/her back against your chest.
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Play with Your Newborn
Hold your newborn with his/her back against your chest, grabbing his/her chest with one of your hands fixed in his/her armpits. Use the free hand to support him/her in-between legs to the waist. It is perfect position to spend some memorable time with your new family member, playing and cuddling with him /her.
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