How to Immobilize Someone in a Fight

If you have been beaten up once or twice by someone who is twice your size at your school, office or even street, you need to learn how to self defence. You need to know how to immobilize or knock down your opponent. People should learn some basic self defence techniques in order to ward off an attacker. There may be a time that you are attacked by a robber in the street. Thus learning ways to immobilize the attacker is the best way to stay safe and go away from that area in one piece. There are few simple techniques which will allow you to immobilize your opponent.


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    Twist your arm if your opponent grabs it

    In case the attacker comes and grab your wrist or arm, you need to quickly twist your arm on top of his arms. By this your opponent will be forced to let go off your arm or wrist. In addition to this, you will now be twisting his arms as you have reversed the direction.

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    Make your opponent relaxed

    You need to make your opponent relaxed and show him that you can easily be defeated. You need to find the rhythm of the fight and flow with it.

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    Act scared but get ready to fight

    Now you need to act as if you are frightened or scared from the attacker. This is to deceive your opponent in thinking that you are scared and will flee. In the meantime, you need to gear up for the fight. You need to get ready for the battle.

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    Dodge and strike

    If your opponent is coming towards you in order to finish you, you need to dodge the strike. At the same time, you need to punch the attacker in the throat with either your fist or elbow. In order to defend, you can even kick him in the shin or even punch there.

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    Finish him

    After dodging and striking, your opponent will come to his knees. Now is the time to flee or finish him. You can hit him a strong punch in order to finish the fight or run away to a safe area.

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