How to Improve Essay Writing Skills

The first paragraph is the key. Most people will decide on the basis of the first paragraph alone whether or not they wish to read the rest of the essay. Make the first sentence interesting, something that brings out a contrast or contradiction and creates a bit of a mystery. ‘Do you know why you’re reading this? I do but I’m not sure I should tell you.’ Statements like that suck the reader in. It may not work for every essay but understand how the question addresses the reader directly and then makes him or her want to find out what you know.
The first paragraph should also be a summary of the entire essay. Briefly explain what the essay is all about and how it is structured. The second sentence should bring up one side of the topic, such as the side which supports the topic. Keep three to four points here and simply state them with commas to separate them. For example, ‘the reasons education is important is because x,y and z’.
The third sentence should provide points that go against the second sentence. For example, ‘however, on the other hand education has issues in the form of y and z.’
Each paragraph from here on in should talk about one of the points expressed in the opening paragraph. For example, the next paragraph should discuss x, the one after that y, then z and so on.
Make sure that the side of the argument you believe in has more points and you talk about it more than those against it but ensure that you discuss both sides to prove your understanding.
End with a conclusion in which you justify your opinion.