How to Improve Jump Shooting in Basketball

Having a good jump shot in your arsenal of skills is something that can make you a force to be reckoned with on the basketball court. You may have found yourself wondering if you can ever become as good as Kobe Bryant when it comes to jump shots. Well, you cannot know that for sure unless you give yourself a chance. There is hardly anything that you cannot learn and perfect through practice and commitment.
Warm up
Before you start working on improving your jump shooting, you need to keep in mind that you will not be able to give your 100 percent in court unless your body is properly warmed up. Make yourself sweat by jogging around the court a couple of times. Be sure not to convert your jogging into running as you will end up using too much energy and consequently have little energy left for the practice. Avoid eating anything before practice, while be sure to hydrate yourself.
Practice your jump
The higher you can jump, the more time you will have to adjust and properly execute your jump shot. You can improve the jump by practising with a light weight tied to your ankle, or you can simply try challenging yourself to jump higher and higher through persistent effort. Be sure to bend your knees as you prepare yourself to jump, as it will allow you to give yourself a greater push.
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Focus on the wrist
You need to perfect the flick of your wrist. Practice flicking your wrist without jumping. When you notice that the flick has become smooth, try doing it while jumping. Flick your wrist just as your reach the maximum height.
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Practice your shots
Now that you have worked on improving your jump and the flick of your wrist, it is time to start working on your shots. Dribble a ball a few times, grab it in both your hands, set your eyes on a specific spot on the hoop, focus, bend your knees, jump, adjust your hands on the ball to prepare your shot and flick your wrist to release the ball just as you reach the top of your jump. Make sure the ball spins in the air. Stay focused at all times.
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Increase your distance
Vary the distance from which you take the jump shot. Set a target in your mind and once you make that many successful shots with consistency from a specific distance, move back a feet or two.
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Commit yourself to practice
The effects of practicing your jump shots will take a long time to appear if you do not practice regularly. If you are really serious about wanting to improve your jump shooting, you need to hit the gym or a nearby court more often.
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