How to Increase My Running Speed

Whether a professional runner or a walking layman who has just started walking, jogging or running as an exercise, he/she always aim to improve their speed. A professional runner or athlete is particularly interested to increase his/her speed by a reasonable amount every day. The interest to increase the speed is even higher if the athlete is nearing participation in a competition at any level, whether amateur or professional. Studies have shown that a runner can increase speed by doing certain exercises, but mainly focusing joints, limb and motion movements. There is no medical solution to increase speed but doing repeatedly these exercises certainly helps in the longer run. There is evidence shown in these studies that athletes have benefited in increasing their running speed while doing these exercises. Use of resistance tubing secured with a stationary subject i.e. post through an Active Cord can help you improve your speed to any extent. It is better to buy resistance tubing after taking information at various stores so you get the right size for yourself.


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    Avoid Rotating Shoulders or Torso

    While running it is better you should avoid rotating your torso or shoulders. This will help you to maintain a posture with your hips square so that your push-off force pushes you direct forward. This helps generate extra speed in your rhythm and you pick up the pace gradually.

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    Ankle Joint Extension

    It is necessary that you should have great ankle join extension. This will help you run well. It increases power of push-off forward. Also, it is better to keep you knee slightly bent in push-off leg. It will help you to maximize horizontal force.

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    Heel Raise

    Before starting exercise with resistance tubing, secure it under your feet ball. You can either fasten ends of an Active Belt around your waist or can get someone assist you by holding both ends for you. You should stand on the balls of your feet while lowering your heels. You will feel a stretch in you Achilles tendon, but do not push too hard to avoid an injury scare in the Achilles tendon, which can easily be torn. Ideally do the same exercise ten times at one occasion, last the process for about two minutes during each time.

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    Hip Joint Flexion

    Another way is that attach the resistance tubing to a stationary object i.e. post, about a knee high. Then attach other end of tubing to your ankle, and then stand far away so that there is tension with your leg behind your body. Take a long breath while keeping your knee bent forward so that your shin remains parallel to the vertical position.

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    Hip Joint Extension

    Again, attach the resistance tubing to a high fixed object i.e. post. Next step is to stand in front of it and attach the free end of tubing to your ankle and stand with our leg raised. Your thigh should slightly below parallel. You can start with straightening your leg, pulling it down until your foot is on the ground near your other leg. Repeat the exercise about ten times with same poster and process.

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    Studies have proven this to be an effective exercise. It is stressed that down position of the lunge duplicates the airborne position in sprinting. It helps further stretch hip flexors. Shift your load backward and pull out your forward leg.

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